The latest News!

Bead Challenge now on in the forum! Theme: Prehistoric
Bead Exchange following the same theme also on now!
Check them out, join the fun, click onto the Forum via the link above in the menu bar.



Featured Artist: Maureen Nugent! Now online.


The next Newsletter is coming out soon, the Guidelines and Deadlines for Submissions are now online -> CLICK HERE!



Now Available!


Sign up to our Mailing List for notification of News or major Website changes.
Please email your request to:
All information will be kept strictly confidential!


Many Thanks go to:
Alana Cox for all her assistance and advice in the redesigning of this website and the Forum!


is currently experiencing many technical difficulties that are beyond our control.


Please be patient, we hope they will right things soon.


Australian Glass Beadmakers Guild Forum!


Come in and sign up to have access to numerous tutorials, catch up with old friends, and make new ones! Show us your creative side in the Show and Tell, and share your opinions and hopes for the future industry of Lampworking in Australia.

We look forward to seeing you in there!